We Are a People With a Story

Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!” And she told them that he had said these things to her.
John 20:18

This verse concludes the Resurrection morning story in the Gospel of John. Can you imagine what Mary must have been feeling? Mary had been with Jesus for a lot of his public ministry. She already had many extraordinary things. However, this morning, when she goes to the tomb expecting to find his corpse, she receives the greatest news ever. He is risen! This was no vision conjured up from grief. He sees her. He comforts her as only He could. What an incredible moment! He is risen indeed!

While our experience may not be exactly the same as Mary’s, our moments are powerful as well. Jesus has come to us in our low times and shared news that was comforting and empowering. We know the inspiration and joy that comes when you have a moment with the risen Lord. Our minds were expecting defeat and death, but there was a resurrection and renewed hope. Did you hold it or share it? The world doesn’t know what we know. Of course, there will be those who doubt and question us, but it doesn’t change our truth. We have seen the Lord!

We are people with a story. Our story is one of victory. The powers of the world don’t win. Our sin doesn’t lead us to condemnation because the love of God has overcome them. Death doesn’t have the final word because Christ is risen. It’s up to us to share that good news with those who do not understand. May we live with joy like Mary. May that joy give us courage like Mary. May our voices be heard like Mary’s so that those who need to know the Good News of the resurrection will hear it. In those moments when we encounter someone who’s hurting and needs an encouraging word, let your voice be heard. If you find someone in a season where it looks like all hope is gone, let your voice be heard.

We have a story to tell. In a world where there is so much that drains hope and takes joy, let us tell our story. Live in victory this Easter season and invite others to join you!

Pastor Scott


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