A Motorcycle Accident in Italy Nearly Took My Life, but Grace Saved Me

On August 31, 2015, I was taking a European Motorcycle tour with my husband through the gorgeous scenery of Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, and finally, Italy.

In the morning, we started our day with a light breakfast, geared up in all of our protective wear, checked the tire pressure, and off we went with the group. Destination: The Italian Alps! The sky was so blue that day, and the weather was cooperating with us, so we continued our journey with grateful hearts. For lunch, we stopped at a mountainside café to acclimate to the altitude. As I hopped back on the motorcycle, I realized that I completely forgot to buckle my helmet! Now, looking back, I know that was God’s grace.

We started our descent down the mountain. The views from that high were breathtaking. I was busy looking all around at God’s splendor. After one particular hairpin turn, the motorcycle’s front tire slid off the pavement. Then the back tire went too, and in a split second, we were heading right off a 10,000- foot tall mountain. We flew through the air, flipping down the mountainside, along with the motorcycle exploding into pieces.

When they say your life flashes before your eyes, I am here to tell you, it’s true. I saw my twins as sweet infants (they are now 22), relatives who have passed away... my whole entire life in just a few short minutes.

As I tumbled, the motorcycle landed on me, crushing the right side of my body. I felt my bones crush and heard my helmet breaking. I tried grabbing anything I could to stop the momentum, breaking my fingers and tearing off my nails. I cried out for God to help me, to save my life.

By God’s grace, I landed on a ledge overhanging a cliff.

Long story short, I went into shock and lost consciousness. We were rescued and sent to a remote hospital where I underwent multiple surgeries, and efforts were made to save my leg. My husband suffered torn ligaments that could wait until we returned to the States for surgery. I was told it was a miracle we survived. Also, that it would be a miracle if I didn’t end up losing my leg and that I most likely would never walk again.

We returned to the States a few weeks later to begin the grueling healing process. I spent over 100 days in a hospital bed, unable to move at all. Many surgeries later and lots of painful therapy, I began to try and walk again.

During my recovery, I was tested in so many ways. It wasn’t until I had a complete PTSD mental breakdown that I was led to a Christian counselor. As my faith grew stronger, so did my sheer will to walk again. From a wheelchair to a walker to using crutches and a cane, I learned to walk again. I am so grateful to be alive and to share my story with anyone that needs to hear that your prayers don’t go unheard and you are never alone.

Julie Cook
Treasurer at Pendleton Center United Methodist Church

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