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The Other Criminals

  • Prelude

    Welcome & Call to Worship

    Passing of the Peace

    Opening Music

    Introduction to the Offering


    Doxology & Prayer of Dedication

    Pastoral Prayer

    Scripture Reading: Luke 23:32-43

    Sermon: “The Other Criminals” - Pastor Scott Johnson


    Closing Song


  • Please lift these people and circumstances to God in your prayers throughout the week.

    Prayer for Healing: Paul P, Sherri A, Gary B, Marsha, Juan, Debbie, Peighton S, Dan B, Michele, Bob M, Jacquie B, April B, Maryellen S

    General Prayer Concerns: Jan F, Herry L, Judy B, John A, Lauren, Safety, Good health and wellbeing, Michele

    Ongoing Concerns: Patience, Sherry J, Tina P, Coming back to Jesus, Cameron K, Ruth O, Mike R, World peace, Jessie, Sarah S, Michele A, Our country, Our church, Susie’s future, Aaron, Kris M

    Random Prayer Selection: Kevin Bancroft, Brian & Theresa Grear, Joan Kirkland, Douglas Kutzbach, Christopher & Chelsea Netter, Nancy Reinig, Eric & Jeanie Tucker, Thomas & Lynn Valentine
    Please be in prayer for these randomly selected names and those close to them.

  • This Week’s Birthdays

    24 - Kate Bobsein, Dorothy Getty, Sharon Haendiges, Mary Rico, Dave Stout

    25 - Louie Bobsein, Adrienne Demmin, Olivia Mahar, Allyson Morris, Debbie Terranova

    26 - Tammy Heim, Jan Hodge, Frank Klawitter

    27 - JoAnn O’Neill, Carolyn Paterson

    28 - Tom Crosby, Kaydon Johnson

    29 - Judy Schultz

    1 - Tom Finiki, Drusilla Harris, Jane Routt

    2 - Donald Weber

Bulletins are sponsored by Mary Bobsein, “in honor of Kate’s and Louie’s birthdays.”
Please consider sponsoring our worship elements by signing up in the back of the sanctuary or

This Week’s News

Easter Flowers

This year our Easter flower order needs to be in early - by the end of February! The flowers your order will help decorate our sanctuary for Easter Sunday and you can take them home after.

Flowers available for purchase: White Easter Lilies, Blue Hyacinths, Pink Tulips, and Yellow Daffodils.

If you would like to purchase flowers this year, use the envelope available in the back of the sanctuary or order online at

Fish Fry Dinners

7 Fridays during Lent - February 16 through Good Friday, March 29

This unique ministry allows us to reach out to our community with love and caring in so many Spirit-filled ways. We prepare and serve wonderful meals, we offer friendship, and we are a point of connection for those seeking more love and meaning in their lives.

This ministry is huge! And the 100 or so people who make it happen get the satisfaction of making God happy and bringing joy to others. What a blessing it is!

What ways can you help? It’s the same as making a meal at home, just a lot bigger and more stretched out. There are ways to help all week long and at different times of day. Whatever you can do will help.

So, if you’re not yet involved or want to help more, add your name to the sign-up sheets, call the office (716-625-8306), or let Pastor Scott or Louie Bobsein know. Add a note on the sheets or tell us if you’re not sure what to do. We can make adjustments and help make it easier for you to join with others and get involved.

This ministry cannot happen without full support from all of you. God bless you, and thank you all for all you do as we look forward to another year with our Fellowship Hall filled with smiling people!

Louie Bobsein

Mission Moment: FUMC Thursday Night Dinner

What a great ministry that provides a great meal while ministering to the spiritual needs, offering prayers and communion to those attending! Please consider a donation to help us keep sending out 200 dinners on average every week! All gifts are greatly appreciated!

You can also give by designating towards “Today’s Mission Moment” on your giving envelope or by adding “Thursday Night Dinners” to your gift online at

Hams Needed for Thursday Night Dinners

We are in need of hams and some of the side dish items to complete our meal. Our dinner will take place on March 28, and if you would like to support this beautiful ministry, we would deeply appreciate it! Besides ham, we’re looking for boxed scalloped potatoes, eggs, butter, frozen peas, and yellow cake mix. If you can help with purchasing any of these, drop them off in the Fellowship Hall collection area by Monday, March 25. If you prefer, financial support is always appreciated, as we have the ability to buy certain items in bulk and stretch our funds further.

We also extend our open invitation for folks to come out and help prepare, serve, or clean up after this celebration. We love to share this opportunity with others who would like to help others spread the Gospel and the Good News, while serving a delicious meal. And if you would like to drive up to First Church, 8210 Buffalo Ave in Niagara Falls, on any Thursday evening between 5 and 6, we would be happy to share a meal with you, too!

Please contact DJ Mahar for more information!

Lent Bible Study

Thursdays, 11a or 7p, Connection Room 1

Our Lenten Bible study and sermon series are based on a book called Witness at the Cross by Dr. Amy-Jill Levine. What do we bear witness to? Asked differently, if someone asked you why the cross is necessary, what would you say? Words don’t seem to adequately capture what happens in Jesus’ crucifixion. It’s horrifying to see. It’s awful to think about. It’s tragic for those closest to Him. Yet because of the cross, we know salvation and victory. We see the love of God pushed to the extreme but never broken. 

United Women in Faith

Thursday, 3/7, 12:30p, Fellowship Hall

Bring a sandwich and join us! Naomi and Kathy will be our hostesses - thank you both.

Also, if anyone has extra yarn, buttons, scissors, or glue guns, please bring them along. We are doing a small craft for the DeGraff shut-in living area. Hope to see everyone, and have an awesome day.

Connie Clifford


Thursdays Beginning March 7 at 6:30p

GriefShare is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability - and gain solid support each step of the way.

Feel free to contact Pastor Jennifer or Sue Hilts with questions or for more information.

Intergenerational Angel Wings

Saturday, 3/9, 12-3p, Fellowship Hall

Help, I can't get up! This month's message reminds us that everyone needs help sometimes. Whether old, young, wealthy, or in poverty, we all need help in one way or another. We will have a speaker from Save the Michaels at our next meeting. This is an organization that assists both people and families living with emotional/mental issues and helps those who are homeless.

Please join us! We ask for a suggested donation of $6 per family or $3 per person.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Ms. Becky.

More Upcoming Events

View the full calendar:

Easter Choir Rehearsal
Mondays, 6p, Choir Room

Lent Bible Study
Thursdays, 11a or 7p, Connection Room 1

Weekly Groups

Sunday Morning Bible Study
Sundays, 10a, Connection Room 1

Niagara County Senior Lunch
Mondays, 10a, Fellowship Hall

Niagara Falls Community Dinner
Thursdays, 5p at First UMC, Niagara Falls

Boy Scouts
Thursdays, 7p, Gym

February 18

The Scoffers and Religious Elite

March 3

The Soldiers