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I Believe in the Light: Illuminating Peace

  • Prelude

    Welcome & Call to Worship

    Lighting of the Advent Candles

    Passing of the Peace

    Opening Music

    Introduction to the Offering


    Doxology & Prayer of Dedication

    Pastoral Prayer

    Scripture Reading: Isaiah 9:2-7, John 1:1-5

    Sermon: “I Believe in the Light: Illuminating Peace” - Pastor Scott Johnson


    Closing Song


  • Please lift these people and circumstances to God in your prayers throughout the week.

    Prayer for Healing: Heather, Jan F, Sherry J, Kris M, Larry, Deb, Jane R, Diana, Gary B, Judy B, Sherri A, John A, Jerry L, Evie, Stephanie R, Alex, Fran, Britt, Audrey, Dennis, Christa, Carl D, Michele A, Bob M, Jacquie B, April B, Maryellen S

    General Prayer Concerns: Family, Finances, Tina M, Health issues throughout PCUMC and our community, Kathy M, Tom G, Michelle

    Ongoing Concerns: Sheri B, Our country, Our church, Richard F, Young drivers being blessed and protected, Michelle, The Holy Land, Ron E, Friends with health issues, Finances, World issues, Family health, JoAnne, Israeli/Palestinian War, Christa, Ruth O, Pain, Luvanna E, Saharya E, Ashley S, Norm

    Random Prayer Selection: Adrienne Folby, Randy & Diane Haseley, Debbie Jamieson, Mike Marchese & Katie Martin, Ruth Oakes, Mark & Elizabeth Pfohl, Jerry Terhaar, Dorson & Fran Wilson
    Please be in prayer for these randomly selected names and those close to them.

  • This Week’s Birthdays

    23 - Doug Gillon, Nancy Riexinger, Vienna Volpe

    24 - Peggy Lockwood

    25 - Richard Fischer, Brad Paxton

    26 - Luke Anderson, Shawn Michalski

    27 - Len Thornton

    28 - Matthew Stengel, Robyn Wagner

    29 - Connor Heinemann, Jillian Naylor, Angela Ryman

    30 - Danielle Anderson, Jane Chadwick, Bill Edmister, Tracy Kneeppel, Karen Machaby

    This Week’s Anniversaries

    23 - William & Rosealin Heinemann - ’07

    27 - Wes & Susan Terry - ‘75

    28 - Tom & Becky Heideman - ‘04

    Frank & Maria Klawitter - ‘12

Communion elements and bulletins are sponsored by Matt & Theresa Ash.

Please consider sponsoring our worship elements by signing up in the back of the sanctuary or online.

This Week’s News

Christmas Eve Services

Sunday, December 24 at 7:00 & 11:00 PM

Live streamed at 7:00 on
Jr. Church (3 years - 6th grade) offered at 7:00

We’ll have our regular morning service at 9:00 AM only.

Christmas Poinsettias

If you didn’t order any poinsettias and would like one, we have a few extra available to take home today. Please let Adrian (in the sound booth) know if you plan to buy any additional. They are $8.50 each and can be marked on your offering envelope or purchased online.

What’s next for you as a disciple of Jesus?

No matter how long you have known God, there's probably an area of faith where you'd like to learn more. In January, we're starting some groups that will help participants grow in an aspect of faith together:

  1. Understanding the Bible: If you've never been exposed to how the Bible is organized or how to use it in your walk of faith, this group will teach you those types of things to help you apply God's word to your everyday living. 

  2. Discovering Your Gifts and Calling: This group will walk participants through learning the spiritual gifts outlined in scripture. The group will also engage in different exercises to help everyone discern how God might be calling them to use those gifts in the church or community.

  3. Developing Your Prayer and Devotional Life: A lot of people aren't comfortable praying, or they might believe that their prayers aren't effective. This group will focus on understanding the purpose of prayer and different types of prayers. We'll also learn how to use devotional and prayer time to get closer to God. 

Sign up on one of the sheets in the back of the sanctuary. The groups will set their own meeting time after the new year. If you'd like more information, see Pastor Scott

Intergenerational Angel Wings

Saturday, January 13, 12:00-3:00 PM, Fellowship Hall

Have you ever wondered what living with different abilities might be like? Our January mission focus will be on living with different abilities and Mason’s Mission - an organization dedicated to building an all-inclusive, ADA approved special needs playground in WNY. Come find out your skill with different ability games!

Come join us - we ask for a suggested donation of $6 per family or $3 per person, and will be collecting sensory toys. Sung Kim-Kubiak will lead our devotion

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Ms. Becky or Ms. Anna.

Operation Christmas Child

Shoebox numbers update! What a blessing it has been! Thank you so much to everyone who stayed after service and helped pack the cartons.

From our Pendleton congregation - 362.
Collected and sent to Eastern Hills church - 1,342.
A total of 26,915 shoeboxes came from our area! God is so good!

Remember, we collect filler items all year round, so keep your eyes open for those deals!

Anna Smith

Sponsor A Youth Group Snack

Part of our Youth Group program is a time of snack. We provide snacks each meeting because we believe that food brings them together in fellowship with one another and helps them to connect socially and have casual conversations with each other. Plus, what teenager doesn’t like food? 

We are looking for volunteers to help in the following ways:

  • By providing snack items such as chips, drinks, cookies, etc. that we can use any week.

  • Providing a pre-made snack (homemade or store bought) on a specific Youth Group night.

  • Providing monetary donations.

If this is something you would be interested in supporting, please contact Adrienne Demmin.

Coat Drive for Niagara Falls!

In our dealings with our friends in the Niagara Falls community during the Thursday night dinner, we have been made aware of the need for coats, gloves, and other outerwear for winter protection! If you have gently used items that you would like to donate to someone who is underdressed for our sometimes harsh weather, please bring them in, and we’ll make them available through our clothing closet! We’ll be collecting over the next several weeks, and items can be placed in the bins in the collection areas! Thank you!

DJ Mahar

December 17

I Believe in God: Ode to Joy

December 24

Christmas Eve - I Believe Even When: Because of Tonight