Something New

See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

Isaiah 43:19

Have you noticed that some folks have become somewhat jaded about New Year’s celebrations? I’ve seen this a lot recently. My guess is that it’s partly because New Year’s resolutions have become an outdated notion. Waiting for January 1st to take steps we know we should take doesn’t seem necessary or smart. For some, there is still powerful symbolism in the start of a new year. The sense of a fresh start, similar to the rising of the sun with each new day, gives us a sense of possibility and joy. 

This new year is like that for us as a church family. We’re starting a new chapter in the great story of this church. I’m excited to see how God will move among us in this part of our journey. Our leaders are discerning and developing some great new ideas, and we’re confident that the mission field around us is ripe for harvest. I also pray that in your faith walk, you’re experiencing a fresh sense of opportunity that God gives with each new day as well as the new year. 

Let’s look to the season ahead as a chance to join God on the great adventure that God has in store. Like Abraham being called to leave his family and set out for a land that he had never seen, like the people of Israel after God led them through the Red Sea trusting they would get to the Promised Land, and like Jesus calling the first disciples with “follow me and I’ll make you fish for people,” God’s invitation to the journey can be a bit scary because of the unknown. However, we know that God’s adventures lead to amazing things. 

Happy New Year! Whether you make resolutions or not, let’s embrace what God has in store, trusting God is doing a powerful new thing in our story.

Pastor Scott


A Celebration of Love


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