Recapping General Conference

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I encourage you to watch this video from our bishop. In this message, Bishop Burgos offers a clear summary of what happened during the United Methodist General Conference. Undoubtedly there will still be some questions. I’m going to have some times for coffee and conversation over the next couple of weeks to help people understand this in greater detail. However, for now, please listen to what our bishop has to say.

Pastor Scott


Many of us have heard about significant decisions made by the General Conference this year. The conference received coverage from major news outlets, and countless opinions have been shared on social media. Pastor Scott will be hosting a time of coffee and conversation about these decisions and what they mean for our church. All are welcome!

There will be three gatherings:
Friday, May 17 at 11:00 AM
Saturday, May 18 at 3:30 PM
Tuesday, May 21 at 7:00 PM

General Conference has officially adjourned. Watch as Bishop Héctor A Burgos-Núñez highlights five significant decisions made during the ten day worldwide gathering of United Methodists in Charlotte, North Carolina. Click here for more.


God Has The Final Say