God Has The Final Say

As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’
— Mark 16:5-7

Are you a “last word” person? Some folks believe that a discussion or argument is over only if they have the final word. Even if the facts don’t support their position or their argument doesn’t hold up, having that last word matters to them. Speaking that last sentence gives them a sense of victory in the moment. A lot of folks can’t handle not having the final word. 

Guess what? The truth is that we don’t get the final word on much of our lives. We all deal with situations and issues that are beyond our control. These things come, and we don’t get the final say about when they end. However, that’s not always a bad thing. Imagine your life if your worst moment spoke for your entire life. In other words, it had the final word. If you see death as having the final word on your life, you would live very differently. It’s almost cruel to experience life without hope and grace.  

As I am writing this, Lent has just started. By the time you read it, we will already be well into the Holy season, as we look forward to the time when we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus. Having been in the church for a while, it is common to hear leaders say that the end of a person’s life is not the end of their story. This is possible because of what Jesus did for us. Sin does not have the final say over us, because Jesus died on the cross for us. Death does not have the final say over us, because He rises again in victory.

Are you currently facing a situation that seems difficult to overcome? As disciples of Jesus, sometimes we may feel hopeless or fearful because of the challenges we encounter. Certain situations are beyond our control. However, when we live as people of the resurrection, knowing that our God has the final say, we can confront any obstacle with unwavering faith. This does not mean that we deny the pain, confusion, anxiety, or anger that we may experience due to our circumstances. We should allow ourselves to feel heartbroken if we lose a relationship, grieve when a loved one passes away, or become angry at injustices we encounter. But, we should also understand that these moments are different when we acknowledge the truth and power of God being with us. The God who raised Jesus from the dead loves us and will guide us through every storm that we face.

Live as a person of resurrection. You are a child of Almighty God. Neither sin, death, or any other problem on earth has real power over you. Be a witness to what Jesus Christ has done. Let your life tell a story of His victory and His love. 

Pastor Scott


Witness At The Cross