We are excited to offer a new program: “Genesis Afternoon Adventure!” Four & five-year-old children have the opportunity to participate in a three-day a week enrichment program, which will occur directly following our morning preschool programs. Children will bring their lunch and have the opportunity to socialize with friends. This Enrichment program is good preparation for children moving on to Kindergarten.

Questions & Answers

  • Starts in the Blue classroom; Every Mon., Wed., and Fri.
  • Follows the Genesis Calendar & starts on Wednesday, September 11
  • Begins immediately after morning classes are dismissed
  • Dismissal is 2:00PM
  • Daily activities, including creative play, music, finger plays, story time, games, etc.
  • Opportunities to develop cognitive, social, emotional, gross & fine motor skills
  • Time to play with friends & build relationships, utilizing several areas of our building (Ex: Playground, Gym, Fellowship Hall, etc)
  • A backpack large enough to fit creations made during the program & an emergency change of clothes
  • A packed lunch, nut-free, per our program policy.
  • You may enroll your child on a Full-Time or Part-Time basis.
  • Those enrolling on a full-time basis will be given preference during the enrollment process. Cost varies on arrival time of the child (11:30 vs. noon)
  • Part-Time enrollment can be for 1 or 2 days per week.
  • When registering, we ask parents to select specific days of the week that their child will attend. This ensures we have consistent classroom attendance throughout the week.

Invoices will be mailed to you 9 times during the year, with payment due the 1st of the month from Sept – May. We will invoice the same amount each month, even though your child may attend more classes in one month than in another. There is no registration fee for this program.

Part-time, 1 day/week:

  • 11:30 start time: $75/mo
  • 12:00 start time: $60/mo

Part-time, 2 days/week:

  • 11:30 start time: $125/mo
  • 12:00 start time: $100/mo

Full-time, 3 days/week:

  • 11:30 start time: $165/mo
  • 12:00 start time: $132/mo

Materials can be mailed to PCUMC, or dropped off in the office during their business hours. If you have any questions, please contact the church.